Learn of new "good" things are my activity and there will be here within my thinking

Mothers Love

by Ummi Faqih | 07.00 in |

The early morning, when I drove my motor. I looked from the distance, a dog mother was fawning her puppy. At glance, it looked a new pupppy has born. But, something made me curios, how the dog could bear her puppy in the middle road. Then, I only walked away, not really watch the pair of these dog. But, few people surround them, watched them.
At last, I turn back my motor after my business at the end of the road already finish. My anxious brought me back, and when I arrived I saw a dog and her son are lying there. I drove slowly and observe more carefully, since I watched the puppy has not make any movement. I was shocked when I saw the puppy. In fact it appears his intestine was spill out has crushed by car. But, the other thing made me fell frightened because his mother still who did not know about the death of his son, also with patiently still purr her son, hoping he will wake up. She purr his entire body and include his tail. Not satisfied with only purr the body, he also tried to raise his son with pulling his tail. How's really wretch, because the puppy maybe before was a funny puppy, and now can not move anymore. Maybe, the mother has not realize the different between life and death, so she is not fell what was happen in front of her eyes, or whether she still has a little hope of her son life to see her puppy return be energetic. Release it's just an animal. But trully, made me realize about mothers love

Seriously ....

mothers love along the time...